The Importance of Being Bored

Just recently, the idea of boredom was discussed in my English class and there was a huge variety of answers. Some claimed that boredom was amazing and actually kept them distracted and entertained, while some claimed that boredom was the worst thing that anyone can experience.

To me, boredom is probably one the greatest things to experience. Being a crazy and adventurous person, there are plenty of times where after I do something, I get extremely bored because there’s nothing else to do anymore. And this is when the magic happens. The boredom kicks in and my thoughts and ideas go into overtime. When I’m bored, the brainstorming starts and this is where my  next adventure begins.

Being bored also allows me to actually get away from things like my phone or laptop. Nowadays, I seem to realize that whenever I get bored I whip out my phone and go on my skateboarding game. After the discussion in class, I realized that I should refrain from using technology when I get bored. Just a few years ago, I had no phone and no laptop and I had so many more adventures and ideas then I have now, and I realized that this isn’t right. Becoming older and more independent, I should actually be having more fun and enjoying my high school years more, instead of watching endless hours of YouTube and wasting my time.

Not only do I see this in my situation, but I also see this problem with my little cousins. I remember when I was a younger and the best thing I had to keep me entertained was my own imagination.100411-ipadschool-dngla.jpg Nowadays, every single one of my cousins, whether 3 years old to 21 years old, all have iPad, iPhone, tablets, or some sort of device that distracts them. Sure having one of these devices is helpful and handy, but many don’t like to go outside anymore and just have fun.

Overall, being bored is one of my favorite positions to be in. It allows me to think and just have crazy ideas that I can later turn into reality.


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