Who Are We?

Where did the name come from?

Well in our publishing group, we have 2 people who have names that start with E and two people who have names that start with D. Elaine and Elaine, Delon and Daisy. So we named ourselves E2D2, as in E squared and D squared. Cool right?

What do we write about?

Each person writes about a specific theme. Our goal is to help empathize with our readers, so for whenever you need inspiration, Elaine L’s got your back. If you need to feel emotional, look to Elaine H. Delon is there for whenever you need a laugh, and last but not least Daisy will always be there for when you need to appreciate life.

Elaine L – Manager & Designer

Instagram: ap3elainele
Twitter: elaineeele



Life is hard when you’re trying to go about gracefully as a clumsy person. I try to express my gracefulness in my writing, but it’s really nonexistent in real life. However, in real life I love to be creative, interact with other people, and express myself in a myriad of ways whether it’s fashion, painting, drawing, music, dancing, or just talking.
I’m supposed to tell you who I am and what I’m all about, but It’s hard to know who you are at this age. Even though I’m still on the journey to find out who I really am, I hope I can be that person who will inspire you to find yourself, and give you a laugh along the way.

Elaine H – Editor

Instagram: laineeeh
Twitter: lainehoang

Elaine Hoang, your editor in chief reporting for duty.

From what my friends tell me, they call me a bundle of joy who is always down for hugs and smiles. From what my family tells me, I’m an intelligent girl who has a bright future in front of her. From what my enemies tell me, I’m not anything but a wannabe.
Who am I then?
Throughout my 17 years in my life, I’ve learned many things in my life from being happy to coping with depression. Throughout this blog, you will be able to learn all the obstacles I have had to overcome in my life, and all of the memories I’ve grown to accept and love. I hope that through my blog posts every other week, you’ll able to read and learn who I, Elaine Hoang, really am.giphy.gif

Delon – Webmaster & Documentarian

Instagram: delonlyfv
Twitter: delonlyfv

Lots of people know me as the dumb, daring one. I’m always ready to take a dare and I love anything that gives me a rush of adrenaline. With my childish actions, I’ve done many things that have gotten me in trouble and hurt. But with every fall and scrape I learn something new. Sometimes in life, things just won’t go your way and I’ve learned and relearned that lesson multiple times. But, I have also learned how to let loose sometimes and even if life doesn’t go your way, have a good laugh and enjoy the moment.

Daisy – Marketer & Social Media

Instagram: daisytrang4
Twitter: trang_daisy

I am sixteen and I enjoy my life because of every little thing I have learned so far. I take every single day in, bit by bit. I allow every detail to be absorbed into my life because I learned: life is so beautiful. I came to realize that there will be bad days that can make me hate my life, but these days don’t last long. In the end, it’s part of living. When you read my blogs, I hope you are able to take something out of it and apply it to your own life. Be happy. Make the best out of every situation. And love your life.


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